The Best Celebrity Real Estate Stories in 2013

By Peter Sarmas on 28 Dec 2013
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It has been an interesting year for celebrity real estate, in Australia and around the world.

Scandals, new marriages, divorces and overseas movie projects prompted some celebs to trade in their beachside mansions and country estates for new beachside mansions and country estates.

Others decided to expand their already impressive property portfolios.

We decided to take a look back at some of the highlights of our celebrity real estate coverage in 2013.

1. Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins’ $10 Million Property Empire

After marrying her builder/model beau, the ultra-successful former Miss Universe added a sixth home to her multi-million dollar property portfolio.

2. Toni Collette $1 Million Out of Pocket after Property Battle

Toni Collette and her musician partner were forced to pay over $1.1 million over a property dispute.

3. Angelina Jolie Calls Australia Home – But Where?

Angelina Jolie flew into Sydney with her brood of six children, causing much speculation about which suburb they would call home for the duration of their stay.

4. Bieber Dummy Spit: Jackson Mansion

Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber has been no stranger to the media spotlight this year, though one particularly bizarre story suggested he was purchasing Michael Jackson’s Neverland ranch.

5. Mother of Simon Cowell’s Love Child Demands His Properties

After it was announced that he was expecting a child with the wife of a friend, Simon Cowell’s multi-million dollar property empire came under scrutiny.

6. Steve Jobs’ Childhood Home Could Soon Become Historic Landmark

Two years after his death, the home where Steve Jobs invented the Apple computer was set to become a historic landmark.

7. Crocodile Dundee Splits From Wife and Malibu Mansion

Paul Hogan split from wife and co-star Linda Hogan after 23 years of marriage, leading to the sale of their luxurious Malibu home.

8. Posh and Becks Say Goodbye to ‘Beckingham Palace’

The Beckhams made a tidy £9.5 million profit on the sale of their massive Hertfordshire estate – all in favour of a move to London.

9. Shane Warne Finally Sells Brighton Home

After going through a lengthy struggle to sell his Brighton mansion, Shane Warne finally managed to do so, allowing him to jet set off to the UK with fiancée Liz Hurley.

10. Julia Gillard’s Altona Home For Sale

After being ousted as Prime Minister, Julia Gillard swapped her modest Melbourne home for a million dollar beachside bungalow in her native Adelaide.

About the Author

Peter Sarmas is a Certified Property Investment Advisor (PIAA) and Vendor/Buyer Advocate. Before becoming the founder of Street News, Peter completed a Degree in Applied Science (Chemistry) and a Graduate Diploma in Property Valuations (Hons). Peter believes property investing is a major and potentially risky undertaking. In his view, everyone should have an independent person acting on their behalf when seeking property investment advice.

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