Shane Warne has finally managed to sell his Brighton home. Though a sales price hasn't been revealed (it was listed for $15 million), the spacious mansion has been snatched up by a local Brighton family who wanted to shift closer to the beach. Warne had previously expressed his hope that the property would be purchased by a family ...
You could snap up Julia Gillard’s famously modest Altona house at an upcoming auction. The property, which saw its share of media coverage during Ms Gillard’s three year prime ministership, will officially go under the hammer on Saturday December 14. It is expected to sell for upwards of $600,000 ...
There’s little doubt racing queen Gai Waterhouse is still celebrating after winning her first Melbourne Cup with Fiorente, though she has had to quash rumours she intends to permanently shift her operations to Melbourne. She already has a 20 box training base at Flemington, and she also recently bought an apartment in the city ...
Posh and Becks are on the move! After fourteen years in their massive country estate, which was aptly nicknamed Beckingham Palace by the UK press, the Beckhams have decided to sell up in favour of a lavish townhouse in central London ...
In news that will be welcomed by tech lovers everywhere, Steve Jobs' childhood home could soon be turned into a protected landmark – because he invented the first Apple computer in its garage. If the application is successful, the single-storey 2066 Crist Drive home will be preserved in Jobs’ memory ...
In 2011, the Victorian Government launched the $1 million Flinders Street Station Design Competition. A total of 118 architects, engineers and urban designers submitted their innovative concepts for the Melbourne icon’s redevelopment, which ranged from ultra-modern to spacious and green ...
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